القائمة إغلاق

Receive What God Has for You

And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine. (Luke 15:31)

I received a letter some time ago that I’d like to share with you because it will inspire you and be a blessing to you:
Dear Brother Hagin,
My husband received healing through your ministry. My husband and I had begged God for years to no avail. But when we realized that healing was something we already had, and we decided to stand on the Word, it was only a matter of a few months until the manifestation of my husband’s healing began to appear. We not only stood on the Word by saying it to ourselves, we also said it to others.

My husband first became ill in 1970 at the age of forty. The diagnosis was a non-crippling, but extremely painful form of arthritis. During the last five years, my husband had to stay in bed. The only time he got up was to go to the bathroom, see the doctor, or go to the hospital when the pain got so bad that he had to have some relief.
For the past two or three years, an additional nerve problem in his legs and feet caused so much pain that sleep was next to impossible. I would be awakened by his sobbing from the relentless pain that constantly wracked his body.
A couple of years ago, we turned to Jesus and got born again, but there was still no change in my husband’s body. I began reading your books, but I didn’t understand how to activate God’s power by faith and receive. Finally, about three months ago, as I was studying the Spring Faith Food book, the revelation hit me.
We began to confess our victory through Jesus. Then we joined a Spirit-filled church in our area. The elders came and anointed my husband with oil and prayed. Even though there was no manifestation of healing, we continued our faith confessions.

Two weeks ago, the pain suddenly left. A few days later, his feet began to lose their numbness. And a week ago, he trimmed a tree in our backyard.

 Today he took our car to be serviced. I can’t remember the last time he drove a car! He has no pain! Thank God! And thank you for teaching us how to receive what God has for us.

Confession I receive what God has for me by faith. By believing in my heart and speaking with my mouth, I receive salvation, healing, and all the blessings of God.

 (Taken by permission from RHEMA Bible Church , aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries , Tulsa , OK , USA.  www.rhema.org )

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