القائمة إغلاق

A Double-Minded Man

A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.(James 1:8)

As soon as the pastor began praying, I heard the following in my spirit: “Now they’ve taken her out of My hands and she’ll die. Within three days, she’ll be dead.”

I knew it was the voice of the Lord speaking to me.

On the third day, the woman died, just as the Lord said. You see, we had placed her in God’s hands and then we took her out of God’s hands.

What should we have done? Instead of praying for her complete healing again, we should have stood in agreement and said, “We are going to stand up and agree that she is well. We are going to thank God for it.” That way, we would have stayed in faith.

Many times, a whole church places a person in God’s hands and then turns right around and takes him out of God’s hands. God wants to heal the person, but He can’t. Why? God operates on certain laws and principles.

Confession: I cooperate with God and stay in faith. Instead of praying for my healing over and over, I agree that I am healed and whole. I thank God for it!

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