القائمة إغلاق

According to Your Faith

 Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you. (Matt. 9:29)

Just a few months after that boy was healed, we were in Beaumont, Texas, in the Lamar Assembly of God Church. A woman came up to the platform carrying her eight- or nine-year-old daughter, because she couldn’t walk.

She was a large-sized girl for her age. When I set her on my lap, her left leg just stood straight out; it was stiff. She had had polio when she was about four or five years old, and afterward, she had never walked another step.

I laid hands on her left leg, which was four or five inches shorter than her other leg and was encased in braces. It had never grown. As I laid my hand on the shorter leg, I knew the power of God went into it. I could feel it.

I said to the mother of this girl, “All I know to do is tell you that Jesus told me, ‘When you feel that power go into them, you’ll know they’re healed.’ And I felt that power go into her.”

Now I never tell anyone what to do unless the Lord tells me. When Jesus touched the two blind men’s eyes in Matthew chapter 9, He said, “According to your faith, be it done unto you.”

So I’m not going to tell anyone to take his or her braces off unless I’m inspired by the Lord to do so. I’m not going to tell anyone to get out of a wheelchair unless I’m inspired by the Spirit of God to do so. Sometimes I have and they have gotten up. Sometimes I haven’t told them anything, and they have still gotten up. We’ve had it happen!

I handed the girl back to her mother. She took her in her arms. She looked just the same. They went back and sat down. After I finished the healing line, we finished the service and dismissed everyone.

Confession: It is according to my faith that I receive from God. I choose to walk by faith and not by sight.

(Taken by permission from RHEMA Bible Church , aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries , Tulsa , OK , USA.  www.rhema.org )

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