القائمة إغلاق

Bask In The Father’s Loves!

“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10).

Some folks easily accept the fact that God loves everybody, but have difficulty accepting that God loves them personally. Beyond the general knowledge that God loves everyone in the world, you need to know that God loves you, and He wants you to bask and revel in His love! Let it become a revelation in your spirit that God loves you.

If you want to understand the intensity of God’s love for you then take this simple test—ask yourself these two questions: “Do I love God?” “Is God as good as me?” If your answer to the first question is “yes” then of course the answer to the second one is pretty obvious: God is definitely better than you are; you couldn’t love Him without Him loving you even more since He’s better than you! This is what the Apostle John found out that made him say by the Spirit “We love him, because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19). He realized that it would never have been possible for us to love God if He didn’t love us in the first place.

God loves you! As simple as this truth may sound, if you dare believe it, and let it sink deep into your consciousness it will change your life forever, and give you a new confidence. God’s love is the greatest power in the universe. Your understanding and personal revelation of how much God loves you will cause you to be filled with ALL the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19).

Get secured in the Father’s love; take advantage of the fact that He loves you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). When you’re conscious of the Father’s love at all times, nothing and no one can hurt you or hinder you. Bask in that love today. You might as well lift your hands to Him right now and say, “Thank you Lord, for loving me so much!”


Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for loving me with an everlasting love; you’ve demonstrated your love for me in such a profound way by sending Jesus to die for me. Today, not only do I celebrate the victory and success that I have in Christ Jesus, I also take advantage of your mercy and grace, and revel in your love, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Further Study

1 John 3:1

1 John 4:16

(Taken by permission from Christ Embassy Church , aka Believer’s LoveWorld Ministries , Lagos, Nigeria. www.ChristEmbassy.org )

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