القائمة إغلاق

Have An Attitude Of Praise And Thanksgiving Always!

“…Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.”  (Revelation 7: 12).

One important thing you can give to God is your praise and thanksgiving. In Luke 17:17, Jesus asked the leper who returned to give thanks, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine.” In Mathew 26:27 Jesus gave thanks to God for the cup—His own blood that would be shed! David wanted to show kindness to anyone who was left of the house of Saul, because of his gratitude to his friend Jonathan (2 Samuel 9:7). Elisha prayed for the woman who provided him with food and shelter to have a child—that was his expression of gratitude for the love she had shown to him (2 Kings 4:12-17).

Maybe you’re thinking to yourself that there’s particularly nothing to be thankful for; you’re thinking, “After all, I’m sick” “I’m unhappy”; “I have bills to pay.” Well, if you’re a Christian, your life ought to be radiant and full of thanksgiving. Ephesians 5:20 says, “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Your prayers must be filled with gratitude, irrespective of what you feel or what you’re going through. Do not only acknowledge what you can see, rather acknowledge what God has done, because that is what keeps you living a life of gratitude.

Give God your praise and thanksgiving today as a demonstration of your gratitude for all He’s done for you. He deserves all your praise and adoration. Maintain an attitude of praise and thanksgiving always.


Dear heavenly Father, I give you thanks in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ; for you have qualified me to partake of the inheritance of the saints in light and have blessed me with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Thank you for giving me the victory through Christ, causing me to triumph in Him always, and releasing the fragrance of your knowledge through me in every place.

Further Study

Hebrews 13:15

Psalm 79:13

Philippians 4:6


(Taken by permission from Christ Embassy Church , aka Believer’s LoveWorld Ministries , Lagos, Nigeria. www.ChristEmbassy.org )

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