القائمة إغلاق


“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21).

When the body dies, the inward man still lives. In today’s text, Paul was talking about physical death – and he said it is gain.

That does away with the theory that when a man is dead, he’s dead like a dog, and that’s the end of it.

There certainly wouldn’t be any gain to that.
It also does away with the theory that when you die, you just float around like a cloud in the sky. There wouldn’t be any gain to that, either.

And it also does away with the theory of reincarnation. (That’s all it is – a theory! It’s certainly not scriptural.)

 Some people think they will be born again into this life – that the next time they might be a cow, or a horse, or even a fly.

There wouldn’t be any gain to coming back as a cow – you might get eaten. If you were a mosquito, you might get squashed. How foolish people can become when they leave the Bible and get off into false teachings!

The truth is just as the Bible presents it: At physical death, the born-again believer – an eternal spirit being – departs to be with Christ, and that is gain!

Confession: For “me” to live in this physical body is Christ. The life of Christ dwells within the real me – the man on the inside, the eternal spirit being.

(Taken by permission from RHEMA Bible Church , aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries , Tulsa, OK , USA.  www.rhema.org )

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