القائمة إغلاق

Get the Word in You

If ye abide in me [Jesus], and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. (John 15:7)

In twelve years of pastoral work, my wife and I did not bury even one church member. We even had eighty-year-old church members who were healed of cancer, lived out their lives, and died in their nineties without sickness or disease. We taught them that was the will of God for them.

 Now many of those people didn’t receive their healing right away. They had to be taught how to receive. You see, God occasionally does initiate some things on His own. But I can only think of two people during those twelve years of pastoral work who were healed because God initiated their healing. We had to teach the majority of them and get the Word into them.
As their pastor, I would say to them, “You give me the same opportunity and the same chance that you give the doctor, and you’ll be healed every time. It won’t cost you a dime.”

 You see, folks go to the doctor, and if the doctor says, “Come back Thursday,” they’ll go back Thursday. Then if he says, “Come back Monday,” they’ll go back Monday. If he says, “Come back Wednesday,” they’ll go back Wednesday. If he says, “Come back Friday,” they’ll go back Friday.

Sometimes people keep going for months and don’t think a thing in the world about it. Yet when they come to church, they want to be healed the first time around. If I tell them to come back, they get mad about it. But it takes time to get the Word of God into a person – to get him in position to receive his healing.

Confession God’s Word always works, and His Word abides in me. I put my faith in His Word, and I ask what I will, and it shall be done unto me.

(Taken by permission from RHEMA Bible Church , aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries , Tulsa , OK , USA.  www.rhema.org )

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