القائمة إغلاق

Go For The Word!

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” (Hosea 4:6).

The only thing standing between some folks and the glorious life in Christ to which they’ve been called is their ignorance of God’s Word. If you lack the knowledge of God’s Word, you’ll live at a level far lower than where Jesus brought us to. The Bible says through knowledge—revelation knowledge of the scriptures shall the just be delivered into their inheritance (proverbs 11:9).

Never be too busy to study the Scriptures, or attend Church regularly for the Church is the place God has ordained for His children to learn and be built up in the Word. If you want to live the glorious life, you must go for the Word.

Though God has brought you into the glorious life, ignorance will keep you from enjoying your inheritance in Christ, for you have to know what belongs to you to appropriate same into your life. The quality of life you have today is directly proportional to your measure of knowledge of God’s Word. You can’t have a life greater than your understanding of spiritual truths.

The enemy may take advantage of a man’s ignorance and keep him in bondage, but the moment the knowledge of God’s Word dawns on that man’s spirit, he’ll walk out of the chains of bondage. That’s how powerful knowledge is! When you store up God’s Word in your heart, you’ll live to your highest potentials in life. Go for the Word!


Dear heavenly Father, my heart is open to receive revelation knowledge from your Word.  As I study the scriptures or listen to your Word being taught, my whole being is inundated with the knowledge of your Word, the entrance of which gives me light, causing me to surmount every adversity, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

2 Timothy 2:15: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Proverbs 8:10: “Receive my instruction, and not silver; and knowledge rather than choice gold.” 

(Taken by permission from Christ Embassy Church , aka Believer’s LoveWorld Ministries , Lagos, Nigeria. www.ChristEmbassy.org )

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