القائمة إغلاق

Have The Gospel Motive!

Now the God of peace… Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight…” (Hebrews 13:20-21).

Motive is that powerful force that drives you toward your desired goal; it’s the reason you do anything you do. Thus having the gospel motive is ensuring that the reason you do everything you do; the propelling factor is reaching the lost with the gospel of Christ’s salvation. The Lord is interested in you making soul winning your primary focus in life because that’s His number one job.

Telling the untold the glorious news of salvation is the focal-point of all of heaven’s activities in this dispensation. The Bible says there’s more joy in heaven over a sinner that repents than over ninety-nine saints that need no repentance (Luke 15:7).  Not realizing this, some folks live their lives pursuing their own selfish interests, not aligning their dreams with God’s vision of evangelizing the whole world. God wants your dreams to be connected to His dream; that way, your motives will always reflect His vision of having all men come to the knowledge of the gospel of Christ.

Let God’s vision be your heartbeat! Let His dream of covering the whole earth with the knowledge of the gospel be what you live for! God’s ultimate dream is soul winning. He’s passionate about winning the lost to His Kingdom. This is what makes it absolutely imperative for you to have the gospel motive in all that you do.

Think about it: God sent Jesus to the world as a soul winner. The reason you’re here in this world is to win souls into God’s Kingdom, and this must be the compelling motive for anything you do. As a politician, teacher, banker, student—whatever your profession or vocation in life, have the gospel motive! Let everything you do culminate in spreading the gospel.

As long as your motivation is the expansion of God’s Kingdom, you can be sure you’ll live a life of joy, fulfillment and blessings all the way.


Dear Father, I thank you for your Spirit who causes me to do your perfect will and live today, in the consciousness of my responsibility as a minister of reconciliation. I pray that my life will continually be for your glory as I live every day, propagating your Word of salvation with the intent that everyone in my sphere of contact will not only hear but believe and receive the gospel of Christ, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

Matthew 6:33

2 Corinthians 5:18-19

(Taken by permission from Christ Embassy Church , aka Believer’s LoveWorld Ministries , Lagos, Nigeria. www.ChristEmbassy.org )

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