القائمة إغلاق

Healing Is the Will of God for You!

And Jesus went about all Galilee…healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.(Matt. 4:23)

I know from more than sixty-five years’ experience in the ministry that the thing that keeps most people from being healed is they do not know for sure if it is God’s will to heal them. If they’re sick, naturally, they want to be healed, especially if they have a terminal disease and medical science can’t help them.

So they look everywhere they can for help. I don’t blame them. I did too when I was given up to die. And I found the answer in the Word of God.

Many times, people are just seeking in the dark, hoping something will happen. They say, “Well, I may or may not get healed. And if it doesn’t happen, I’m going to die.” They are prayed for many times, and hands are laid on them, but nothing seems to work.

And under those conditions, nothing will, because they are uncertain that it is God’s will to heal them.

One giant step towards receiving healing for your physical body is to settle the issue that healing is the will of God for you. What God provided in His great plan of redemption belongs to everyone, not to just a few of us. Let your faith solidly rest on the Word of God.

Knowing that healing is God’s will for you doesn’t come from just reading scriptures about healing or memorizing those scriptures.
No, the revelation that it is God’s will to heal you comes from meditating on scriptures about healing – thinking on them, turning them over and over in your mind until they become a part of your inner consciousness.

Confession It is God’s will to heal me, for healing is in God’s plan of redemption. I believe the Word, and according to the Word of God, it is His will to heal me, because God wants me well.

(Taken by permission from RHEMA Bible Church , aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries , Tulsa , OK , USA.  www.rhema.org )

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