القائمة إغلاق

In Prayer

“And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full” (John 16:23-24).
This charter prayer promise is perhaps the most staggering statement that ever fell from the lips of the Man of Galilee.
What does Jesus mean “in that day”? Looking toward the future, Jesus, in effect, was saying, “I’m going away. I’m going to Calvary. I’m going to die. But I’m going to be raised from the dead. And I’m going to ascend on High. I’m going to sit down at the right hand of the Father. And a new day is coming. A New Covenant, or New Testament, is coming into being! And in that day, ye shall ask Me nothing.” This day in which we live is that new day!
“Hitherto, up until now have ye asked nothing in my name.” The disciples did not pray in the Name of Jesus while Jesus was on the earth. It wouldn’t have worked. And they didn’t need to, because while Jesus was with them, He met their every need.
But the time was coming when Jesus would leave them. That was when they needed His Name. The Name of Jesus takes the place of Jesus personally in performing miracles, delivering from Satan’s authority, and bringing God on the scene!
Confession: I am a “New Covenant” Christian. I pray to my Father in the Name of Jesus. I ask in Jesus’ Name. I receive – and my joy is full!

(Taken by permission from RHEMA Bible Church , aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries , Tulsa , OK , USA.  www.rhema.org )

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