القائمة إغلاق

Only ONE Life To Live!


“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” Psalm 90:12).

I always get inspired when I remember the prayer of a dear minister years ago, who said “Lord, you know I only have one life to live—don’t let me waste it; help me live it for you!” What a prayer! It ought to be a conscious thought in you that you’re not always going to be here on earth. The Bible lets us know that one day the heavens will pass away and the earth and all the works of man will be burnt up (2 Peter 3:10). By that time, we will be with the Lord and each of us will have to present our works before Him.

Every one of us, no matter how great or small, has been given the same number of hours each day, but what you do with yours is what’s important. Moses had this in mind when he prayed to the Lord to “Teach us to number our days” (Psalm 90:12). God’s number one job is soul-winning; therefore, if you would invest your time in anything, let it be in touching lives for Jesus—soul winning. Let spreading the gospel of Christ’s salvation be the one thing that propels you and gets you up to live each day. I made up my mind years ago to invest my life in soul winning.

As a young boy in High School, many folks thought I was wasting my time as I went from hostel to hostel preaching. The years have come and gone and the Lord has given me greater platforms to reach the whole world for Jesus! You might be young now and thinking, “I’ve still got time; I’ll preach when I’m retired”; or you might be elderly and thinking there’s nothing left in you to give. Please think again.

Commit yourself today to preaching the gospel with everything you’ve got! Invest your time, resources and energy in world evangelism, for that, really, is the only thing worth living for. Remember, that life’s got no extra time, and you’ve got only one life to live; so make every day count by doing only those things that’ll advance the Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


Dear Father, I have only one life to live, so please help me to live it right! Help me invest my time, energies and resources in only those things that’ll bring you glory and honour. Teach me to seize every opportunity to get the gospel out to those who haven’t known you, and help me today, to be an effective and productive witness of the resurrected Christ, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study

2 Corinthian 5:18

2 Timothy 4:2

(Taken by permission from Christ Embassy Church , aka Believer’s LoveWorld Ministries , Lagos, Nigeria. www.ChristEmbassy.org )

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