القائمة إغلاق

Prophecy on 1994

The following prophecy was delivered through Kenneth E. Hagin in Kansas City on October 16, 1994 :

A spirit of Knowing…a spirit of knowing. Which of course is the Holy Ghost, will come into manifestation in a greater measure. It was by the Spirit that Peter knew. Ananias and Sapphira had lied against the Holy Ghost, judgment fell upon them. A spirit of knowing will be in manifestation in the church in these last days in a greater measure than any of you have ever seen it before. A spirit of knowing. Hallelujah.

A spirit of seeing. Where the prophet in the Old Testament was called a seer because he would see and know things supernaturally. A spirit of seeing will be in manifestation in the church in these last days in a greater measure than you have seen here-to-for. You’ll enter first of all into the knowing and then proceed into seeing. The days are upon us. For the last days are here and the work of God must be accomplished. The plan of God must be carried out. The truth of God must be made known. Hallelujah.

And it shall be. It shall be. It shall come to pass. That which your heart has hungered for. That for which some of you have earnestly sought. It shall come to pass. Right on the verge. Yes, we’re in it, in a measure. But we’re right on the verge of an outbreak of the Spirit and power of God. Of an outpouring of the Holy Ghost. Not seen by this generation. Right on the verge. And it shall surely come to pass. Say it with voice and heart. Say it with voice and heart. That is with your voice and let your heart agree with it. Say it, “it shall come to pass. It shall come to pass. It shall come to pass at last! No man can keep it from coming. No powers of hell, evil spirits of the devil can gain-say-it. It shall come to pass. Hallelujah!” Now put your hands up and thank him for it.

(Taken by permission from RHEMA Bible Church , aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries , Tulsa , OK , USA.  www.rhema.org )

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