القائمة إغلاق

Jesus’ Full Salvation

This is the redemption of Jesus – to Him be all the glory – of all that Adam has lost.

Romans 5:17 For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ. (ESV)

The Amplified version says: “we reign as kings in life through the one Man Jesus Christ” who redeemed us.


Hallelujah!!!! The grace of God surpasses immeasurably what Satan and sin did, therefor it can cover, surpass and overcome them.

Jesus came to seek and to save that which was destroyed and that is man’s loss of his authority on earth and everything Satan did of curses and calamities because they are all made by Satan.


When you read Deuteronomy 28: 1-14 and Exodus 23: 24-28, I hope you will read these verses to see that the blessings that are your right now are physical, such as Health, happiness and overpayment for your physical needs, procreation, peace and protection.

Because the Lord says in the Bible, “Let the blessings of Abraham be upon us who believe now.” It is our right now.


Galatians 3: 9, 13 – 14 “9 So then, those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith. “13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree”— 14 so that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles (that is us), so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith. (that is the promise He gave us regarding the Holy Spirit’s indwelling)”


Satan is still the prince of this world because there are those who still allow him to enter the earth – that is, those who are not born of God. But we rule and dominate as kings now in this life through Jesus Christ who has redeemed us. Romans 5:17. We rule over our bodies, our health, our money, and enjoy the protection of the Lord. We cannot rule over people, but over ourselves and our possessions.


And “the Lord has delivered us from the domain of darkness (and of course He saved us from the works of darkness also) and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son” Colossians 1:13 and made us eligible to receive the inheritance (the blessings) that has become our right to take.


Jesus came to save us from sin and its consequences (the curses). He came to make a complete redemption. The word for “salvation” in Greek is SUZU and the verb is SOTERIA, and this word contains and covers all the following: Liberation, healing, prosperity, protection, stability, rest and durability.


Without a doubt we have heard a great deal about deliverance from sin and the gift of eternal life, but this is a deficient Gospel. Jesus and the apostles have preached the full gospel which covers healing and deliverance too.


If you drown in the sea, you are at risk of dying because of the sharks that may eat you, or because of the severe cold temperature of the water, or because of the ships that may grind you or because of your suffocation. So when I save you, I did not only save you from drowning in the water, but from all the above mentioned dangers: ships, sharks, cold. . .


We must erase that is drawn in our minds from the first fall of Adam and till Jesus’ resurrection, and only remember that we have become like Adam before the fall. Jesus as well when He redeemed you from sin, He redeemed you from all its consequences, that are sickness, poverty and all curses.


The Lord wills and wants that those who were born of him; no curse should come upon them because Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law (sickness, infertility, poverty, destruction, lack of protection, lack of safety and death at an early age …)

(Learn more about curses by reading Deuteronomy 28:15-68)


There is a question many ask: Can a curse come upon the believer?

Yes. Despite that Jesus has redeemed the believer from the curses; curses may still come to him because of his negligence.

As Scripture says, “a curse without cause does not come” Proverbs 26:2, and these causes always come from man and not God. Following are the reasons that bring curses upon someone:


  1. Not knowing this biblical truth: the teaching that I have explained earlier. The believer perishes for lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6. And if a believer dies because of sickness, this would just be the witness of the eyes, but the truth is that he died for lack of knowledge of what he possesses in Jesus Christ.


  1. Having erroneous knowledge: It is the most dangerous reason. Where a person listens to non-biblical teachings that say: “God teaches you a lesson through diseases and calamities…”, these false teachers exploit the lack of people revising their teachings and the people’s ignorance of the Word, and thus give Satan a place, We are the ones who give Satan a place and we are the ones who can prevent Satan from having a foot stand and a place in our lives. As mentioned in Ephesians 4:21–32.


  1. The existence of a gap in the life of the believer: The believer may have knowledge but does not walk in godliness (imitating God). It is noticeable that all blessings are conditional and this is not a provocation from God to man, but to let God legally enter into the life of man through man’s obeying of God’s commandments. 1 Timothy 4: 8 says: “For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.”


  1. His lack of knowledge about how to obtain what is his in Christ: A person may know what he has in Christ but does not know how to possess it. This is his treatment to know and study the lessons of faith. How to practice his faith to get out of the problem or to receive his physical healing.


  1. He does not live according to the Truth he learnt: Philippians 4: 9 “Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do”. That is, there is someone who knows about what he possesses in Christ, he knows how he should activate and live it but he does not


We often look around and find no believer living by this which you see as full redemption. But do not measure the Word by people, but measure the people by the Word.


Therefore, we must be alerted against blaming God for being the perpetrator of these calamities, accidents, disasters, diseases, death, problems or the death of one of our loved ones, and the distortions that people claim are congenital, but are actually demonic.


These accusations that we appropriate to God are because of what we have previously received from teachings that are far from the truth of the word of God; wrong teachings that says: “God is in control of everything on earth” and this is a mistake. We should know that Satan is the prince of the world, but the Lord is in control of the end things as we shall see at the end of the earth.


But before this end, whoever allows God to reign over him, God will save him now in this life from the power and works of darkness and make him enjoy the blessings of the Lord here on earth. This does not mean that life is free of problems but it means that the believer will overcome these problems. John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation” but the other half says, “but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”, that is, you can take your recovery from physical illnesses and actually solve your problems, but that is not by giving you the ability to endure these problems. God is a practical God and He wants to solve the problems you are facing.


We have to be careful not to say that these diseases, problems and curses are there by the permission of God. The one who says that means that ‘God could have stopped the calamity which has happened if he wanted to’, as if He is doing the cursing from the back, or ‘that is the reason for it happening: God is permitting it’. He goes on to say that ‘God is the driver of Satan’ and this is impossible because God cannot use Satan His enemy against His beloved human beings. God therefore will not permit anything to happen unless the person first permits it.


Notice the order of actions which the Bible puts: First comes man’s permission, secondly comes God’s permission. Matthew 18:18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind (prevent) on earth (first) shall be bound in heaven (Second), and whatsoever ye shall loose (permit) on earth (first) shall be loosed in heaven (second).


No curse comes except by man’s permission. When the believer is afflicted with a curse due to his departing outside the shelter and umbrella of the Most High God, as Psalm 91 says, God would not be betraying those who take refuge in Him by removing His protection from them to teach them a lesson or to try them. These are not the attributes of God but the qualities of Satan who wants to kill, slay, and destroy. Jesus came so we can have life, and have this life abundantly, not only spiritually but also psychologically and physically. God does not play with our protection, but He is a shield for those who take refuge in Him.


Often some Bible verses may seem to suggest that God is the one who brings affliction, such as the one in “Ezekiel 38:22 And I will judge him with pestilence… “ and many people use these verses as a proof that the Lord can afflict with sicknesses or curses. While those who study and examine these verses well will find that the Bible never contains conflicts or contradictions. We read in James 1:17: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” That is to say, every good gift is from God.


Note: The original language of the Bible (Greek and Hebrew) is much deeper than the Arabic and English languages, since every verse that mentions God doing something negative, such as curses, comes as a permissive and not as causative mode.

This mode cannot be translated literally because it is a mode and not a literal word, it is more moral than literal, it is the spirit of speech and not the letter of speech, so translations failed to put it in words.


  • Permissive Mode: that is, God permitted something to happen” but it is not “His good, perfect and acceptable will as mentioned in Romans 12: 1-2, and we have previously explained that when God permits something, it is because man has previously permitted it. Without doubt, when we read that which comes before the verse and that which comes after it, we find out that it is man who opened the gap for Satan to enter.
  • Causative Mode: that is, God wills it happens and it always comes with the verses that tells about the goodness and love of God.

²²² The reference is The Greek and Hebrew Young’s Concordance. ²²²


There are those who use and interpret erroneously the verse in ‘Corinthians’ saying that it is God who afflicts us with disasters. 1 Corinthians 10: 12-13 “12 Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. 13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”


We have learned from the letter of Jacob chapter 1 that “God cannot be tempted with evil”, He treats us as Himself and He never tempts us, “But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire”. Therefore man is the responsible one not God.


God will not prevent Satan from tempting us because the earth is leased to man. When Jesus came He defeated Satan and gave us His victory, so it is us now who stop Satan not God. But God will stop Satan from doing something beyond the power of your resistance.


From this you understand that all the circumstances you go through is at the level of your resistance and not higher, even if Satan deluded you that you are unable to resist him. I assure you that God will intervene by stopping Satan if he does something beyond your power. Therefore you are capable of doing all things in your life because you believe in God. All things are possible for those who believe i.e. those who practice their faith (the believer = the one who practices hisher faith).


To understand the former verse (1 Corinthians 10: 12-13) we must read it well.

“1 Corinthians 10: 12-13 “12 Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. 13  No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”


The verse above contains two things that God does:

  1. God will prevent Satan from doing something stronger than you which exceeds your resistance ability. (He will not prevent it if it is in your ability).
  2. God gives you the solution to the problem, the way out of it and not strength to endure it.


Therefore the word “with” refers to these two things, and not as many interpret it wrongly: that “God gives the temptation and the way out of it in the same time“, God forbid, or else God would be of a dual character.


But the word “with” refers to His limitation of Satan and to giving you the way out of the temptation because He loves you, He stands on your side and because He did not send the temptation.


I am so in wonder:


  • How could someone think that God who removes the curse from man puts it on him too?

God forbid, God will never be “a double minded person, unstable in all his ways” – James 1:8. and that would not be God.


  • Is the one who created the immunity system in the human body the same person who afflicts humans with diseases that resist this immunity? God forbid.


  • Is Jesus who went about healing the sick afflicts people with sickness because he ascended to heaven and is no longer with us here on Earth? God forbid. “He is the same yesterday, today and forever”. He still heals and He is against the diseases that are the work of Satan.


  • Has not Jesus done the acts of his Father like healing and liberating? So why do some say “we do not know God’s mind regarding curses” … No, that’s a mistake.


  • God has clearly revealed His mind regarding healing for we know God’s thoughts well regarding it because we have seen the Father in the Son.



What have we seen in Jesus? Let’s go to the Gospels and see the Father in Jesus:


  • We see that Jesus the Son of God on earth Heals and wants to heal … in Mark 1:40 When asked: “If you are willing you can make me clean” … Jesus’ answer was “I am willing. Be clean,”
  • He never afflicted someone with disease to teach him a lesson,
  • He did not postpone anyone’s recovery but healed all those who touched him (ie, those who asked Him and sought Him)
  • He did not heal anyone by letting him die, but He literally healed him of his illness. He made the blind see.
  • He spent two-thirds of his ministry time healing and one-third So the majority of His ministry time was set for healing.



How do I close the door of Satan?


This is done in two ways mentioned in Ephesians 4: 21 – 32; and by them you can keep Satan out of your life:

  1. Renewing the mind: (replacing the non-biblical way of thinking with sound biblical teaching) This starts by reading the Word of God in the spirit of wisdom and revelation, and that is done by reading all the topics on our site, for it includes sound teachings about health, money, the proper way of praying and many other subjects, . . . so through these readings you will learn what rights you have in Christ and thus obtain for yourself the biblical way of thinking.


  1. Crucifying the flesh: that is to say no to the body (flesh) and this becomes easy after the renewal of the mind.


There are those who may ask:

“If I am the reason for Satan’s entry into my life, I cannot and no one can close this door, because there is no one without sin?”

The solution is that you be quick to repent of any sin that your conscience blames you for. Do not delay, but repent immediately. Be thin hearted with sensitive conscience. This will always make you under the shadow of the Most High.

I do not mean repentance without reason (precaution repentance) No, this is dangerous because it makes you guilty before yourself all the time and will keep you away from God. You are the righteousness of God and you are blameless before God. Even if sinned.


Begin by obtaining what is your right in Christ, because the blessings will not fall upon you from themselves, but you go and take hold of them:

You are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the spiritual realm, and the Holy Spirit ministers it to you (this is how it comes in the original Greek) Ephesians 1:3  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places”. Notice that the verse tense is in the past “has blessed”, this is exactly what has happened with God’s people in the Old Testament. Deuteronomy 9:23  And when the LORD sent you from Kadesh-barnea, saying, ‘Go up and take possession of the land that I have given you,..” [past tense].


Since the Lord says in the Bible: Galatians 3:14 “so that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith.” It is our right now. Therefore you are blessed by it (past tense), it exists in the spiritual realm now. Jesus has already bought it for you.


You are the one who must summon these blessings from the spirit world (i.e. the heavenly places) into the physical world (the material world in which we live now) by your faith. God will not do this to you because it needs two people on earth. Your words are you.


This reminds me of the water vapor that surrounds you in the air right now, and will not become eye sighted except by your intervention, that is by bringing it against a cool surface, and allow the steam that existed all the time (in the past) to condense.


Do you see the spiritual and physical blessings in the Old Testament? It was fantastic wasn’t it? It has become your right now, because you have inherited Abraham’s blessings, even now you are in a better covenant, with better promises, Hebrews 8:6  “But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises.” Therefore, if the Old Testament is wonderful, this New Testament is more wonderful. If the Old Testament had healing, prosperity and protection, this New Covenant has healing, prosperity and protection in a much greater measure.


The one who guarantees for you the fulfillment of the promises of this covenant is Jesus because it cost Him His life, His blood encapsulates and ensures all the promises that are in the Book of this covenant.


It is like someone who says in the colloquial language: “With my life I will do it … on my neck I will do it.” So Jesus really did with His life, and the truth is that He will not do it again in the future because He did it once for all with his life 2000 years ago.


1 Corinthians 2:9  But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”. This verse is for us here on earth and is not about heaven. This is what the Bible says, because you are now seated in heaven (past tense) on the right hand of the Father in heaven above all the kingdom of darkness, “Ephesians 1: 20-21” and “Ephesians 2:6”, while you are here on earth you are the connection between heaven and earth.


The Lord Jesus is our Head in heaven and we are His body on earth. So we live according to the laws, principles and supplies of heaven while we are on earth.


The Lord needs a body to reach the earth and work therein. For without a body God cannot do anything on earth. That is why the Scripture says in Hebrews 10: 5: “You have prepared a body for me” concerning the Lord Jesus. For apart from this body, Jesus could not have done all of these things for us. And this body is the body of the believer, this is your body.


Also Satan cannot work on earth without a body. Therefore, present your body to God daily as a living sacrifice and declare with your mouth:


“I, the spiritual being, rule today and every day over my body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit and the dwelling in which I live, and I use it as an instrument of righteousness every day”


Refuse to live at a level lesser than that which Jesus prepared already for you. Why don’t you enjoy your inheritance in Jesus Christ?


After all this you will find that you are not tired in this land, but predominant and in control of your positions and circumstances, and not having it controlling you.


If you ask a king to leave his kingdom which he rules over, you will find out that he will reject your request. Is not that true? Likewise are you the believer (a believer is someone who lives by faith and is not just a name). When you claim your rights in Christ, you will find yourself not suffering from defeat before your circumstances and your problems, because you always overcome them through Jesus. Satan will be the one suffering from you, and instead of you fleeing from Satan, he will flee from you because he is darkness and you are light, besides you are walking in the light of the Word. It is light that affects the darkness and not vice versa.


You will find out that the reason why you want to go to heaven is your longing to see the Lord and not because you are fleeing from this land and from suffering – as many teach it is the land of misery and hardship – but it is the land of victory and elevation only through Jesus.


The reason that makes you want to go to heaven is your longing to see the Lord and not because you are running away from this world. For you are victorious here on earth, and you reign in this life as a king in Jesus the Anointed One who has redeemed you, to Him be all the glory.  Rise and possess the land which the Father has given you. Do not wait a moment.


How do you claim your rights in Christ? This is by faith.


Read and study the books and articles on the website titled “Faith” at www.lifechangingtruth.org/shop

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