القائمة إغلاق

Sister M. G. Palestine

I began the journey of faith with Jesus Christ when He led me to attend a sermon that was titled infilling In the Holy Spirit, but unfortunately the pastor finished his speech and close, and then I felt a great disappointment and deep sadness in my heart, because I saw everyone cooperates with the words of the pastor. As I was listening I do not understand what was he talking about, all hands of the attendants were raised & saying: “I want to have the infilling in the Holy Spirit.” As far as I am concerned, I said: “O God of what does that mean? What is this infilling in the holy Spirit that they are asking from you? , Perhaps because it is the first time I have heard of about the Holy Spirit that‘s why I did not understand anything.
 I came back to my house that night and sat in my room & I said to God with very sorrow and disappointment inside me, I asked Him to make me understand this infilling, which was requested
warmly by those all believers but I didn’t ask him to baptize me in the Spirit (Because I didnt know about it anything), but I asked Him, as a first step to understand it.
    The next day I logged into the Internet & started to I search for the “infilling of the Holy Spirit & I clicked the first  first article appeared (It’s the Lord’s hand) It’ entitled: How To Receive The Holy Spirit By Yourself” which is found in this blessed site, when I read this title I felt great pleasure in my heart. I entered the article quickly and I started to read, I was reading with large and strong desire & excitement, as if I was a dying hungrily person & now have found food to live again.
  I read the article till the end thoughtfully, & carefully and eventually at the end I found a prayer leading me to pray to be filled, I prayed with great faith and confidence that I didnt feel them before, when I finished the prayers, I felt a very great & strong power inside me. As the Bible says, “
from within him shall flow rivers of living water (Jn 7 : 38) I began to speak with strange words that were very strange & began to I scream loudly, I felt that words do not come from my mouth but was out of my inner being. I screamed and spake words that I didn’t comprehend, but I felt that I was praying with great desire & fervency inside me, & as if I was asking from the Lord something very precious in screaming that I wanted to obtain it now. The people of my home wake up because of my screaming, & they didnt realize what was happening & they thought that the devil had entered my heart. But they realized that with the passage of time when they found that I became a different woman & began to change to the better that cleared to them that it’s the work of Christ & not the devil, Christ and live in my heart really…The Lord began to deal with the my family & show us his love...Thanks be to Jesus for Him all the glory & honor.
 And now this site has become the most preferred one because through it I knew for the 1st time about the things of the Spirit & the most profound Truth that entered my heart was that:We are Spiritual beings living in a Body, but unfortunately many believers are unaware of that & realize more the things of the the physically body, & forget that the  body must die & will die with it its physical desires & the Spirit will stay forever & our Spirits are the way of contact with God on this the Earth.
Thank you very much for the great effort you have for us, I advise everyone to follow this magnificent
& fruitful site. It increases us to be mature in our spiritual life which is eternal, & gives us another look for life, making us love this life more & more, for the Lord of glory is base of our lives, Who makes us always conqueror & gave us His eternal life, & we will stay forever with our Beloved Holy GodGod bless you.

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