القائمة إغلاق

Stay in Faith

…Because of unbelief they were broken off,& thou standest by faith…(Rom. 11:20)

While I was holding a meeting in Pasadena, Texas, a woman called from Canton, Texas, and said, “Brother Hagin, would it be all right for me to bring my little daughter down there for prayer? She has epilepsy.

Now by faith, my prayer group has claimed her healing, but the manifestation hasn’t come yet; she still has the seizures. We don’t want to get into unbelief. Would it be all right for us to bring her down there for you to lay hands on her?”

I said, “Yes, but only under certain circumstances. I’ll not be able to counsel with you while you’re here.
I just don’t have time. When you come into the prayer line, say to the Lord, ‘Now Lord, we’re not coming down here to receive healing like the rest of the people, because by faith, we already believe that we have received healing. We’re coming down here to agree that she is healed.'”

Well, she came to the meeting and brought her daughter to the prayer line and did what I told her to do. Two years later, I saw this woman at a meeting we were having in Dallas. She testified that from that day we agreed until then, the child never had another epileptic seizure.

Confession: I stay in faith. I stay in agreement with God. I agree with what God has said in His Word. I agree that I am healed in Jesus’ Name!

(Taken by permission from RHEMA Bible Church , aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries , Tulsa, OK , USA.  www.rhema.org )

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