القائمة إغلاق

You Can Never Be A Fool For Faith

“…He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God” (Romans 4:19-20).

Have you ever wondered how people around Abraham might have scorned and jeered at him when he changed his name from Abramassumed father” to AbrahamFather of many”? Try to picture it—a ninety-nine year old man, with a wife who is way passed the age of menopause, going about telling everyone in town they’re expecting to have a child. To the spiritually unlearned, they must have appeared silly and senile.

But Abraham disregarded all contrary situations and was strong in faith! He had seen in his spirit the son God promised, and that picture was more real than his old frail body and that of his wife. He maintained his confession and sure enough, Isaac was born. Now, those who might have called him “foolish old Papa Abraham” must have been speechless when Isaac showed up.

Understand that you can never be a fool for faith! Whenever you take steps based on your faith in God and His eternal Word your action will certainly pay off. The challenge some folks have sometimes is that they mistake “believing” for “faith.” Faith is the evidence of things hoped for, and the title-deed of unseen realities (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is the proof that what you said you have is yours in the now.

Thus Abraham was not calling himself, “Father of many” to get God to give him a son, or to convince himself of what God said! He called himself that name because he had “evidence” in his spirit that he already had a son, though it hadn’t materialized physically. That’s faith. When you’re acting in faith, you’re no longer trying to convince yourself or convince God; rather, you just know in your spirit that you have it made—you’ve got what the Word says is yours.

It doesn’t matter today who is making jest of you or mocking you for your faith; you have the evidence—God Word, that what He says belongs to you belongs to you, therefore refuse to let go. It’ll only be a matter of time before it shows up physically, and it’ll be your turn to laugh in celebration, for you can never be a fool for faith.


Dear Father, my faith in you and in your Word is unshakeable, thus I know I’ll always win in every situation that I may face. I turn my eyes away from every contrary report and I focus my gaze on you, knowing that I’ll surely have cause to rejoice as I reap the reward of my faith in you, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Further Study

Hebrews 11:6

Hebrews 11:11

(Taken by permission from Christ Embassy Church , aka Believer’s LoveWorld Ministries , Lagos, Nigeria.  www.ChristEmbassy.org )

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