القائمة إغلاق

Faith Follows Light

“The entrance of thy words giveth light…” (Ps. 119:130).

As a teenager, I became bedfast. Medical science said I would die. Now, I’d heard the New Birth preached all my life. I knew what God’s will was concerning salvation. And when I came to the Lord while bedfast, I had no doubt that He would hear me.

I had no lack of understanding along that line.
Therefore, I had no doubt or unbelief concerning salvation. I received salvation, and I knew that I was saved.

But, I was still bedfast! I certainly had a lack of understanding of God’s Word concerning divine healing, prayer, and faith. About all I had ever heard preachers say about healing was, “Just leave it to the Lord. He knows best.” (Yes, but in His Word, God has made provision for us to have His best!)

In time, after much study of the Bible, I saw the exact steps I needed to take in prayer, and I saw just how to release my faith. Had I known these things earlier, I could have been off that bed months before I was. God didn’t have a certain “set time” to heal me.

No! He’s the same every day! The trouble wasn’t with God or His willingness to heal me; the trouble was on my end of the line. As soon as I found out what God’s Word said about healing and acted upon it, I got results! As soon as light comes, faith is there.

Confession: I will find out what God’s Word says, and I will act on it. I will get results. I will see to it that God’s Word finds entrance into my spirit. Light will come – and faith will follow.

(Taken by permission from RHEMA Bible Church , aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries , Tulsa , OK , USA.  www.rhema.org )

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