القائمة إغلاق


“I [Jesus] in them [believers], and thou [God the Father] in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me” (John 17:23).

When you know – really know – that God is your very own Father and you are His very own child, this knowledge will have the following effect on you: You will have as much freedom and fellowship with the Father as Jesus had in His earth walk, because God the Father loves you even as He loved Jesus! John 17:23 says so: “…and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.”

“I just can’t believe that God loves me as much as He loved Jesus,” some may say.

Thank God, I can! I believe it, because the Bible says it, and that settles it!

You and I can say with Jesus “…I am not alone, because the Father is with me” (John 16:32).

Because if God loves me as He loved Jesus – and He does – then He is with me as He was with Jesus. I am never afraid, just as Jesus was never afraid. There is nothing to fear.

What can man do to the man or woman whom God loves and protects!

Confession: God the Father is my very own Father. I am His very own child. And He loves me in my earth walk just as much as He loved Jesus in His earth walk. I can fellowship with Him just as Jesus did. I am free from fear just as Jesus was, for I am not alone. My Father is with me.

(Taken by permission from RHEMA Bible Church , aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries , Tulsa , OK , USA.  www.rhema.org )

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