القائمة إغلاق


How to develop relations for spiritual guidance and maturing.


Mt. 28,18-20. The Great Commission implies:

Making disciples

Teaching disciples

You create what you are

2. Tim. 3,10-11

The most common reasons that Christian leaders are quitting, are burnt-out, become disillusioned, fall in different sins or redefines their calling:

Neglect meaningful spiritual discipline (63%)

Lacking accountability (53%)

Unrealistic expectations about himself/herself or ministry (48%)

Christian leaders remaining faithful in their calling have identified these keys as reasons for this:

”developed a close relationship with a mentor” (24%)

”accountability towards a peer” (24%)

”surrounded myself with persons with character in order to be supported” (11%)

Thorough studies of Christian leaders having ended their ministry with a confirmation of having finished well, reveals these characteristics:

They had a perspective on life and on ministry.

They regularly experienced times of inner renewal.

They lived a disciplined life.

They had a teachable attitude during the whole life.

They had several important mentors in life.

A definition of mentoring

Mentoring is a relational experience where a person equippes another by sharing Godgiven resources.

Biblical examples of mentor relations

Barnabas og Paul

Acts. 11,19-26

Acts. 12,25 – 13,3

Paul og Timothy

Acts. 16,1-5

Phil. 2,19-24

2.Tim. 1,4-6

2.Tim. 2,1-7


Develop character

The character is a combination of qualities characterizing us

Our character is shown by how we react when we are under pressure.

Learn skills

Identify values

In everything that is important to me, my values shows what is most important.

My priorities

Nine types of mentoring

Disciple maker – Master

Has a responsibility to teach through theory and practice

Spiritual supervisor

A “spiritual father”


One from whom you learn skills


Discuss the challenges you are encountering


Receive Teaching


Economical support

Contemporary role model

Models in the time we are living

Historical role models

Models in history

Divine contact

Persons God leads you in contact with in a special life situation

The 10 Commandments of Mentoring

Has to be built on a relation

Has to have a purpose

Has to be regularly

Has to be binding

Has to have an open communication

Confidence creates security

Different needs through life

Feedback is necessary

Walk through the expectations

Finnish in an orderly manner


Who have you had a mentoring relationship with?

How did that happen?

What are your experiences from this?

Do you have a mentoring relationship now?

What can be done for it to function better?

Qualities for an effective mentor

Be a role model (2 Thess.3,9)

Be himself in order (1 Tim.3,4-5)

Fatherly (Gen. 45,8)

Patient and tolerant when it comes to errors

Led by the Spirit (Rom.8,14)

Give life changing advices
(1 Thess.3,10)

Experts in encouraging

Helps his mentoree to set up challenging goals

Gives economic support when the Spirit leads

Gives new information in order to broaden the horizon

Serves together with his mentoree in God’s timing

Gives proper advices in the right time

Risks his reputation in order to give backing to his mentoree

Connects his mentoree with the right recourses

Releases to greater ministry

Not an ”avoider”

Not an “emptier”

Not a ”critic”

The Mentor and transformational leadership

An mentor asks powerful questions.

The foundation for transformational leadership is to ask rather that to tell.

Powerful questions are powerful because they make the person stop and respond from the heart.

Qualities for an effective mentoree

Cannot be ultra – sensitive

Cannot be insecure

Cannot promote himself

Cannot be disloyal

Cannot be above being a servant

Mentoring models

Star formed Leadership model

 Upward mentoring

        Spiritual guidance: Gives continuous discipleship training.

        Couch: Models different skills.

2.Cell groups

3.Follow up of newly saved

4.Leadership training

5.Pastoral training

In ones own church

In other churches – network building

How to develop a mentoring relation

As for God’s guidance

Set up a checklist

Make an agreement

Write a summary report after each gathering

 Written & taken by permission of  Dr. Leif  S. Jacobsen  , http://www.theword.no/engelsk/indexE.htm

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