“…For your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father…” (Matt. 6:8-9).
Although God had given to Israel as clear a revelation of Himself as it was possible to give spiritually dead men, they still didn’t really know Him. They didn’t recognize God manifested in the flesh when Jesus stood in their midst. (Under the Old Covenant, God’s Presence was shut up in the Holy of Holies.)
Thus, it was into a hard, harsh atmosphere of Justice that Jesus Christ came. And the Jews of His day could not understand Him. He talked about God as His Father. He told of the Father’s love and care for His own! It mystified them. When Jesus introduced God as a Father God of love, His words, for the most part, fell upon unresponsive ears.
Yet we must admit, as we meditate on Jesus’ words about the love of God, that even born-again children of God sometimes fail to see the love side of God. Israel never grasped it. They didn’t understand who it was Jesus was talking about. It was new to them.
To tell the truth, it’s new to most church members today! They have been taught to fear God, and to shrink from a God of Justice. They’ve never really seen the love side of God that Jesus came to reveal.
Confession: I hereby make a quality decision to see and know the love side of God that Jesus came to reveal. I will meditate on Jesus’ revelation of God until I really know Him as my Father God of love.
(Taken by permission from RHEMA Bible Church , aka Kenneth Hagin Ministries , Tulsa , OK , USA. www.rhema.org )